Friday, July 12, 2013

How to chose Best Eye Makeup Brushes

Eye makeup brushes are the most important instrument for a professional makeup artist, makeup lover or even makeup newbie. The brushes you chose to purchase and how you use and treat them, are essential when it comes to going for any type of eye shadow or eye product that you desire to be symmetrical, good blended and spectacular; in other words perfectly flawless.

There are lots of different brands, types and textures out there to select from when it relates to eye makeup brushes, and it can be quite difficult to know exactly what to searching for. Many expert recommendations are based on what the artist prefers and this you have to keep in mind too. However, there are certain guidelines considering the textures, craftsmanship and hair-type of the eye professional makeup brushes which can be applied to any kind of brand or purpose while shopping for your own eye makeup brushes. Finally, the tools you choose to use for your most attention drawing features that are your eyes, must not only be so high in quality, but also be in tune with the motion of your hands and the surface of your eyelids.

Sigma eyes kit
  • Craftsmanship is one of the most important things to look and ask for when you are searching the different eye makeup brushes at varied brands is the craftsmanship of the brush. Normally handmade brushes tend to last longer because the shaft sticks better to the metal plate between the handle and the brush hairs.
  •  Authentic hair is most often from goats, pony, donkey or sable is used to make eye makeup brushes. It's difficult to say if authentic or synthetic brushes are better as they are used for different purpose. However, authentic hair eye makeup brushes are best used on dry products while synthetic hair eye makeup brushes are best used on moist or liquid products.
  • Synthetic hairs are always used to make a perfect eyeliner brush and it should be handmade out. And when Eye makeup brushes cut on an angle, whether if it´s a hard texture or of a fluffy texture will make it easier to place the brush along the globe to create a very good eye shape.
      However once you have chosen your eye professional makeup brushes you still need to treat them with care to make them last as long as possible, but also to achieve the best eye makeup result on every use.

     Read more About Best Makeup Brushes


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